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Great things happen when information is liberated and put in the hands of people.As you graduate from high school, the arduous task of choosing a private school or university to pursue your academic career begins. The usual procedure involves reaching out to your network, consisting of friends or friends of distant relatives who are current students, seeking advice. If fortunate, you'll receive valuable guidance. However, if unlucky, you may base your decision on a promotional video from TikTok or, even worse, an outdated and inaccurate random blog ranking that fails to reflect the institution's true state.Despite gaining acceptance, you may discover that the school does not meet your expectations, leaving you disappointed and feeling deceived. At this point, changing schools becomes a challenge, as you have already paid, and you must wait another year to explore better alternatives, resulting in a frustrating experience.If only you had access to well-informed and reliable information, you could have made a more informed choice, avoiding disappointment, and wasted time and resources.Well, it does not have to be that way, notemonprof allows you to make informed decisions regarding your academic career. Made by students for students. We believe the best support for students often comes from other students. They are the people who truly understand the challenges students are facing, because they face those challenges themselves.Stay tuned.

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